Fall Fitness — Let’s Get This!

Written by: Holly Smith, M.D.,

B.S. - Dietetics, NASM-PES Certified Trainer

Writer, The Fit Mother Project

Written by: Holly Smith, M.D.,

B.S. - Dietetics, NASM-PES Certified Trainer

Writer, The Fit Mother Project

fall fitness

Autumn is here, which means cooler weather and the perfect time to jumpstart your fitness. As the heat of summer fades away, now is the time to kickstart a fall fitness plan!

Start by taking advantage of exercises that will get you outside to enjoy the crisp weather and really improve your overall health.

Exercising outside is one of the best ways to improve your strength and fitness.

But on hot summer days, this can be difficult, and in some circumstances even dangerous.

Fall weather is the perfect middle ground between the extreme heat of the summer and the bitter cold of winter.

Keep reading for a great fall fitness plan — cool ways to enjoy the autumn months while enhancing your strength and endurance!

Ready to get active? Here are the 5 daily exercises women should be doing every day.

Make the Most of the Autumn Weather

The fall months are a great time to exercise outdoors and enjoy cool temperatures and crisp air.

Running, biking, hiking, and walking are excellent cardio workouts in the autumn weather.

Plus, the beautiful colors and landscape of the fall make outdoor activities that much more enjoyable.

This is the time of year that is also perfect to get outside with your family.

You can get out in the backyard and kick around a soccer ball, throw a baseball around, or play with the kids and dog.

This is also a great time to explore new parks, hiking trails, and bike paths.

Exercising outdoors with the changing scenery of autumn is so beautiful, you won’t even feel like you are working out.

New trails and running routes also will break up the monotony of your normal routine.

Plus, planning a fitness outing with the family is more fun when you can enjoy new places.

This backyard workout will improve your strength, cardio, flexibility, and mobility … and it requires NO EQUIPMENT!

Get On the Water in Early Fall

In the early days of autumn, the weather is cooling off, but it is still warm enough to get out on the water.

If you are near a lake or river, activities like kayaking, canoeing, or paddleboarding are awesome full-body workouts to try.

With canoeing and kayaking, you get a great upper body and core workout.

Paddleboarding also will work your lower body muscles as you steady yourself on your board.

And these activities are so much fun you won’t even feel like you’re exercising!

Plus, with the cooler fall weather, you won’t have to deal with the blistering sun beating down on you and you can actually enjoy being out on the water!

Try a New Class

Gyms tend to change their fitness schedules when the seasons change, so this is a great time to try out a new class.

Some group classes will even meet outdoors when the weather is nice.

Boot camp, yoga, and circuit workouts are common classes that offer outdoor sessions as well as the traditional studio meet-ups.

Outdoor fitness classes are also a fun option because you can meet new people who enjoy similar activities.

Plus, working out with a group will keep your motivation high and push you to finish each workout.

Still working up the confidence to join a group class? Start with this core circuit, an easy beginner ab workout you can do at home!

Take Your Indoor Workouts Outside

Even if your gym doesn’t offer outdoor classes, fall gives you an excellent opportunity to move your typical indoor exercises outside.

Instead of doing yoga in your living room, take an exercise mat into the backyard to do your workout while you take in the scenery.

You can even set up circuit workouts or HIIT sessions outdoors so that you can enjoy the fresh air while still getting a killer workout.

Outdoor exercise settings have been found to be more restorative, which is another reason to try a change of scenery with the comfortable fall weather.

On top of that, studies have shown that people who combine outdoor with indoor physical activity report more positive emotions and well-being associated with exercise.

Their connectedness to nature is a significant predictor of well-being.

Even a leisurely stroll is a great way to improve your mind and body. Learn about all of the research-proven benefits of a 30-minute walk!

Add Exercise Into the Workday

During the hot summer and freezing winters, it’s hard to get outside during your lunch break.

No one wants to go into an afternoon meeting dripping sweat or having to bundle up to face the bitter cold.

But the fall weather is perfect to get in a quick walk in during the lunch hour.

With the nicer weather, you can also park farther away from work to get in some steps before and after work.

Or, if you have a phone meeting you can walk outside while you talk on the phone.

These are just a few easy ways to add activity into the workday while enjoying the fall weather.

No time to exercise? Work too much? Do these mini-workouts throughout the day at work!

Stay Safe As the Days Get Shorter

The best way to enjoy the fall is to exercise outdoors.

But the change of season means that it is getting dark earlier at night, and staying dark later in the morning.

This makes it even more important to stay smart and safe.

Still, just because it’s dark outside doesn’t mean you can’t get a great workout. The early mornings and evenings in the fall are still awesome times to exercise.

If you are walking or running outdoors before the sun rises or after sunset you should wear a reflective vest or headlamp.

You can even carry a small flashlight so that others can see you.

Choose the Right Fall Weather Gear

The autumn days will start to get a little chillier as well.

While you may feel cool when you begin your workout, your body will start to warm up as you get going.

To deal with this you should layer your clothing for outdoor workouts because once your muscles start moving you'll feel overdressed.

You should choose fabrics that wick moisture away from your skin so you're not exercising with wet fabric hanging on you.

The inner layer should be a moisture-wicking fabric, so it wicks away sweat and you're not chilled.

The second layer should be a warmer layer, like a long sleeve shirt.

If there is rain or snow you can add a third protective layer, such as a windbreaker.

If you are out for a run or walk you can tie the top layer around your waist when you start to warm up.

You can also choose a loop route that comes back by your house or car so that you can leave excess clothing there as you continue your workout.

Planning your workouts ahead of time will keep you safe and comfortable during your workouts.

Should women lift weights? Discover all of the benefits of weight lifting for women!

Get Your Fall Fitness Plan Started Today!

It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned athlete or just a beginner, fall is the perfect season to work on your fitness.

Outdoor runs, walks, yoga or even water sports are even better with the beautiful scenery of autumn.

If you are looking for a change of pace, fall is a great time to sign up for a new class.

Or you can take your favorite workout outdoors and breathe in the fresh crisp air while you pump out some reps.

Outdoor runs and walks are much more enjoyable in the autumn weather.

If you have trained all summer in the oppressive heat of the summer, you will notice how much easier your workouts seem in the fall.

With the amazing weather, it will be a breeze to you continue to enhance your fitness in the changing seasons.

So get outside this autumn and take your fitness to the next level with these fun fall fitness tips!

Holly Smith, M.D.
B.S. - Dietetics, NASM-PES Certified Trainer

Writer, The Fit Mother Project

Holly is an osteopathic physician, runner, triathlete, and fitness and nutrition enthusiast.

She is board certified in nephrology and internal medicine, has a bachelors degree in dietetics and is a certified personal trainer with NASM-PES certification.

Holly has completed four full ironmans, twelve marathons, countless half ironmans, olympic distance triathlons, half marathons and numerous other road races.

Holly joined the Fit Father Project in May 2019 as a regular writer, contributing articles on health, wellness, exercise, and nutrition.

She has also recently qualified for the 2020 World Championships for Ironman 70.3, in New Zealand!

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*Please know that weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched info on fall fitness.

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