Creating a Sharp, Healthy Brain for Life (Episode 141)


Episode 141 welcomes neurologist Teryn Clarke, MD, to the mic to discuss healthy choices for a healthy, sharp brain.

Teryn Clarke, MD, a board-certified neurologist and author of the book, “Brain Health Action Plan,” discusses the importance of brain health and how lifestyle choices can impact cognitive function with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi.

Dr. Clarke emphasizes the role of foundational health principles in maintaining brain health and shares her personal journey of caring for her mother with Alzheimer's disease. She highlights the connection between high sugar intake, inflammation, insulin resistance, and brain health to advocate for a low-sugar diet and moderate lifestyle changes. She believes that both improve brain health. 

Additionally, Dr. Clarke discusses the impact of light and circadian rhythm on sleep and offers strategies for optimizing sleep quality. 

She discusses the importance of sunlight for health, the role of stress and cortisol in brain health, as well as the impact of nutrition and fasting on brain health. She emphasizes the benefits of natural sunlight and the dangers of avoiding it. She also highlights the pro-inflammatory effects of stress and cortisol and the importance of managing stress through breathwork. 

In terms of nutrition, Dr. Clarke recommends consuming healthy fats, avoiding seed oils and added sugars, and incorporating fasting into one's routine for improved brain health.

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Key Takeaways

  • Brain health is influenced by lifestyle choices and can be improved through foundational health principles.
  • High sugar intake, inflammation, and insulin resistance can negatively impact brain health.
  • A low-sugar diet and moderate lifestyle changes can have a significant positive effect on brain health.
  • Exposure to bright sunlight in the morning and avoiding blue light screens at night can help regulate circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality.
  • Supplemental melatonin can be beneficial for sleep and overall health. 
  • Sunlight is essential for health and promotes serotonin production which can be converted to melatonin, promoting better sleep.
  • Stress and cortisol have pro-inflammatory effects on the body and can negatively impact brain health. Managing stress through breathwork can help reduce inflammation.
  • A healthy diet for brain health includes consuming healthy fats like avocado, eggs, and fatty fish while avoiding seed oils and added sugars.
  • Intermittent fasting has positive effects on brain health. Starting with a 12-hour fasting window and gradually increasing it can be beneficial.

Creating a Sharp, Healthy Brain for life with Dr. Teryn Clarke

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*Please know that weight loss results and health changes/improvements vary individually; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched information on maintaining good brain health.

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